Sunday 1 April 2018


Cepheus Engine Leviathan SOLO campaign - Part 0.1

The Setup

As I embark upon this landmark journey across an enigmatic subsector of barely-known space, I thought it would be best to keep a record of what I am doing; how I am doing it; and why I am doing it.

Why am I playing Traveller?

I have always loved the vastness of imagination in Traveller ever since I first played it back in 1981. I've run and played a huge number of games over the last few decades, but Traveller has been one of the games I've run/played the least in proportion to the amount I actually want to run/play it.

Why am I playing an RPG solitaire?

I could (at a stretch) get a face to face group for a game, or convene a group from a larger pool of buddies over the internet using something like Roll20. But with a family and a time-demanding job, committing to a regular chunk of time that coincides with the availability of others is not so straightforward.

By playing solitaire I can fit bits in among the other things in my life, without having to worry about who else is available. I can even carry on gaming while I'm sat with family, because it is no more intrusive than reading, writing and typing. I can stop and chat for a bit without putting a gaming group on hold while I do so; and then I can resume any time I like for as long or as short as I like.

Also, I can indulge in some aspects of the game that I enjoy but which others might not ("Don't you just love how this slow-burning relationship between the pilot and the navigator is developing over time?"), or which might be pretty antisocial for a gaming night ("Hey! Let's roll up a subsector using the advanced start system generation system in Book 6 Scouts! It'll only take about a week to do a few star systems!")

Finally, in my gaming group I am usually the GM, and this has been the case since way back in 1980. It's hard to get my group together unless I offer to run something. Which is fine by the way, I love running games or I wouldn't have been doing it these last forty years! But a solitaire game lets me run and play the game simultaneously, which is something that the simulations/researcher/people-watcher in me loves doing too.

Why am I writing a record of it all?

I want to explore a story and a theme, and enjoy coming back to remember it all. I am inspired by the solo wargamers who do some of the most amazing AARs and some who even turn their write-ups into good fiction. There used to be one guy called Bob who specialised in colonial wargaming, and his write-ups were amazingly vivid pieces like reading hitherto unpublished Flashman stories. If I can create even one hundredth of the buzz I got from those, with my little excursion into the voids of space with my motley crew on Leviathan, I'll be happy.

Saturday 31 March 2018

Unskilled OK

This is the log of a solitaire Traveller campaign.

Location: The Spinward Marches.

Rules: Various incarnations of Traveller rules (Classic, Megatraveller, TNE, T4, Cepheus), plus Striker, Snapshot, and Mythic blended with SOLO, Stars Without Number, and These Stars Are Ours.